Creative Director: Tony Seaman Copywriter: Aimee Dierbeck Basilica Photography: Saturn Lounge Public Relations: Lisa Ehlke

One of only 2 basilicas in Wisconsin, the St. Josaphat Basilica is a work of art, inside and out. The Foundation needed to raise funds and awareness to ensure this iconic gem would inspire for years to come. From the gold painted frame to the photo-realistic stained glass and fresco ceiling to the antique church pew, the bus shelter made quite the impression and kick started a PR campaign that is still running and gaining donations for the foundation. The digital billboards ran the morning of the unveiling, and in the mix for the next few weeks.

I felt that even just a fraction of the artwork and beauty of the basilica would attract attention, and what better way to display it than in a mundane bus shelter? The client agreed and as the Art Director on the campaign, I directed the photoshoot, designed the panels and billboards, and coordinated with Clear Channel on the production and specifications. This campaign was amazing to work on, and the collaboration from everyone was truly golden.

2017 Paragon Award of Excellence 2017 Silver Obie Award 2016 Milwaukee 99 Merit Award

The St. Josaphat Basilica Foundation is a client of Zizzo Group and all effort for this project was contracted through the company.